Apr 4, 2018

April 04, 2018

When it comes to the workspace of a designer, perhaps the first thing that immediately comes to mind is a number of open spaces with a pretty familiar scene among creative workers: sketches and scattered materials everywhere and people who often pace in the room-in short, the so-called ' organized chaos '.

Whatever your reflection of Genius Loci 's newest office in Jakarta, the descriptions mentioned above are not what you will see. In fact, Genius Loci's headquarters and headquarters look neat and well-organized. On a sunny morning, Alex Bayusaputro, Creative Director of Genius Loci , gives ArchOnline an exclusive look into his new creative workspace.

Entering an area of ​​1000 square meters with a building area of ​​705 square meters, not many would expect that there is the illusion of a climb on the path to the entrance. "Everyone who comes here, rarely realizes that little by little, they will 'climb' to step in," said Alex while welcoming Archonline .

The seamless gradation of the road is what makes the 'trip up' so not felt, but that's not the only pleasant surprise in this place. Seen from the outside, it is hard to imagine that beyond the fence stands a vast building with seemingly disordered spaceship but ultimately it must be admittedly a unified whole.

What is interesting is that the walls of space are made as transparent as possible through the glass wall.Make space after room with ceiling height higher than the standard looks more spacious, brightly lit (energy efficient) and comfortable. Transparency also makes the eyes fresher and healthier as it brings together spaces with garden at the back and a pond that can be considered 'courtyard'.

Walking down the wooden floor, the serenity comes right as you are facing the right and sees a large pond, complete with fish and fountains. Alex calls it a ' zen area ', mainly because he can see it from his office or a large and small meeting room next to it. 
Entering his office, the first thing to steal the attention is the presence of various materials that blend perfectly. "Actually, I just put what I like . Just look at most of the stuff I have here: lots of artwork that, when viewed at a glance, may be less disconnected, although everything tends to be a work of contemporary art, " Alex explained with a laugh. "But I attach great importance to the 'story' element behind every item or furniture, all the elements I put here. I love when all the stuff I have here is there is a memory behind it, so it's not just adding personal elements, but also the comfort that surely needs an individual like me who spends most of his time in the office. "

Evidently, Alex remembered exactly the origin of every item in his room and the story behind it . 
Another uniquely interesting feature of this private workspace is its open ceiling and polished cement floor. With the windows, doors and walls of black aluminum (can be opened freely) to make this space memorable industrial.

Spatial relief and allowing residents to move freely became one of Alex's top priorities . Seen from the work space of his staff, each of which has ample room for movement. This is because of the nature of the work that requires a lot of space to review sketches and designs, as well as materials to be used in a project. Speaking of materials and various sketches, the Genius Loci office also has a ' library ' where they store all the necessary references. The library room is equipped with natural light from the roof, where one side is placed glass material, provided by Maruni Glass - MPGU and Magi Glass . This glass is also used to provide natural light throughout the room with high windows .

"I like it when all the stuff I have here is there's a memory behind it, so it's not just adding personal elements, but also the comfort that surely needs an individual like me who spends most of his time in the office."

Alex Bayusaputro

Another special feature of this office is the meeting area for Alex and his staff. There are two meetingrooms , one for a meeting session with a number of people, and a second for sessions involving more people with a wider space. Uniquely, in this large meeting room there is an open kitchen complete with kitchen cabinet from Poliform , where people can cook light lunch or dinner while discussing about their project. Adding to the personal atmosphere is a series of Alex 's sentimental objects , including the printer machine which he first used in the beginning he pioneered his business and his first laptop -both stored and maintained neatly in a glass box. Another thing that can not escape the attention is the presence of a massive artwork from a famous contemporary artist from China, namely Wang Mian . And, just like any other room in this office, the lighting of the lights is made more focused on a single point than it is widespread. All these elements help make the meeting room so not rigid and more lift the functional side, of course with a twist of its own.

Right next to it, there is a park where Alex and the staff can take a break from the routine, just to enjoy a snack or dinner. There are tables and rows of comfortable wooden chairs provided by PT Marga Agung , where anyone can refresh the mind while looking at the park in front of him. For this park, Alex works with famous landscape designer , Amalya Hasibuan from Eschol Gardening & Landscaping . Kian add to the privilege of this park is the presence of various works of art from Bali and Sumba are placed there.

Ending the visit this time, Alex brings Archonline to the second floor, where there is a spacious room dedicated to the procurement of the event . Still following the 'theme' downstairs, this room was industrial and slightly unfinished , but still filled with various collections of contemporary artwork to bring the atmosphere up.

All in all , this office feels really refreshing , so it's not hard to imagine the daily life here where a warm cup of coffee will feel more delicious while looking at the sprinkling pool water or shady green landscape . A new masterpiece from Genius Loci offers a fresh and cool perspective as a vessel for the flow of updating creativity that is often required for projects.

Additional details:

Land area: 1000 square meters 
Building area: 705 square meters 
Exterior design consultant: Genius Loci 
Interior design consultant: Genius Loci 
Landscape designer: Amalya Hasibuan from Eschol Gardening & Landscaping 
Bathroom / Restroom fixtures : Toto
Kitchen / Pantry: Poliform - Moie
Fabrics / Curtains: Wooden Blind by New Sanggar Indah
Wood supplier: PT Marga Agung
Marble: Fagetti (Fajar Gelora Inti), PT Jaya Abadi Granitama
Air conditioner: Kertajaya Electronic 
Sound system: Puresounds 
Ceiling and lover : PT Gipsindo Grahatama 
Aluminum frame: Reynaers Aluminum
Main contractor: PT Bangun Cipta 
Glass specialist (s): Maruni Glass - MPGU , Magi Glass

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